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Community Curated Resource Hub

General Reading 📚

The Power of Kaspa BlockDAGs: Go Beyond the Blockchain - Overview of Kaspa and BlockDAG, explaining how it solves the trilemma. Written by Mickey Maler 2022.

An introduction to the blockDAG paradigm - Explains what a BlockDAG is, what its advantages are, and how it's different from other DAG based technologies. Written by Alexandra Tran 2018

What is Kaspa (KAS) and How to Use Kaspa Wallets - Coingecko informational article written by Josiah Makori.

Yonatan Sompolinsky Medium Articles

Shai Deshe Medium Articles

Media 📺

DAG Knight Presentation @ CESC 2022 - Yonatan Sompolinsky presents DAG Knight at CESC, 31st October 2022. Length of presentation is ~15mins.

Son of a Tech interview with Shai Wyborski

Technical Reading and Information 🤔

The DAG Knight Protocol - A Parameterless Generalization of Nakamoto Consensus. Kaspa will implement DAG Knight in time. Written by Michael Sutton and Yonatan Sompolinsky 2022.

Kaspa on Rust - In 2022 The decision was made to rewrite Kaspa in Rust. This articles outlines the reasoning why and the improvements it brings.

Research Papers by Yonatan Sompolinksy

Research papers by Michael Sutton

Kaspa Research Forum - Forum with information and discussion on the thinking and research behind Kaspa. Posts dating back years before launch.

Twitter Threads 🐦

The KAS Resource Megathread - Full of juicy info by resident FUDbuster Shai Deshe. Well worth your time to read through all this and the articles therein.

What is a DAG? - By Shai Deshe

Mining ⛏️

Official Wiki Mining Guide and Info - Overview of available miners and options along with some useful information on how to get started mining.

Tools and Data ⚙️

Official Blockexplorer - Search Kaspa addresses, blocks and transactions.

BlockDAG Visulizer - Visualize block creation and DAG formation in realtime.

Rich List - A regularly updated list and visualization of top 1000 wallets and coin distribution.

KAS/USDT Tradingview Chart - Price chart with TA tools.

Wallets 💰

CLI Wallet - Official command line wallet bundles with kaspa daemon (has 24-words seed phrase, not compatible with other wallets in that aspect).

Web Wallet - Easy to use web wallet (12-words seed phrase).

KDX Wallet - Desktop GUI wallet (12-words seed phrase).